Luxury Listings
If you are looking for a Chicago luxury home or house, simply search to find the real estate property of your dreams.
1300 N Lake Shore Drive 21A
- 3 beds
- 2 baths
- Gold Coast
- Attached Single
1548 W Ardmore Avenue 2B
- 5 beds
- 3 baths
- Edgewater
- Attached Single
2329 N Geneva Terrace
- 6 beds
- 5.1 baths
- Lincoln Park
- Two to Four Units
1252 N State Parkway
- 5 beds
- 5.2 baths
- Gold Coast
- Detached Single
5040 ARBOR Lane 301
- 4 beds
- 3 baths
- Northfield
- Attached Single
653 N KINGSBURY Street 2302
- 3 beds
- 3.1 baths
- River North
- Attached Single
4056 W Waveland Avenue
- 6 beds
- 4.1 baths
- Old Irving Park
- Detached Single
1224 W Columbia Avenue
- Rogers Park
- Multi Family 5+
2128 W SUPERIOR Street
- 6 beds
- 4.2 baths
- Ukrainian Village
- Detached Single
2442 N Southport Avenue 1N
- 4 beds
- 3 baths
- Lincoln Park
- Attached Single
2141 W SCHOOL Street
- 5 beds
- 4.2 baths
- Roscoe Village
- Detached Single
2743 N Seminary Avenue
- 3 beds
- 3 baths
- Lincoln Park
- Detached Single
3287 Western Avenue
- 4 beds
- 5 baths
- Highland Park
- Detached Single
5812 N Paulina Street
- 6 beds
- 4.2 baths
- Andersonville
- Detached Single
1533 W Fry Street 3W
- 4 beds
- 3.1 baths
- Noble Square
- Attached Single