Luxury Listings
If you are looking for a Chicago luxury home or house, simply search to find the real estate property of your dreams.
1218 W Columbia Avenue
- 16 beds
- 7 baths
- Rogers Park
- Two to Four Units
2730 N HARTLAND Court
- 6 beds
- 5.1 baths
- Lincoln Park
- Detached Single
314 W Menomonee Street
- 3 beds
- 2.1 baths
- Old Town Triangle
- Detached Single
4840 S Dorchester Avenue 11
- 4 beds
- 3.1 baths
- Kenwood
- Attached Single
900 N Prospect Avenue
- 5 beds
- 4.2 baths
- Park Ridge
- Detached Single
428 S Clifton Avenue
- 6 beds
- 7 baths
- Park Ridge
- Detached Single
2025 Maplewood Road
- 5 beds
- 5 baths
- Northbrook
- Detached Single
3809 N Bell Avenue
- 6 beds
- 4.2 baths
- St Bens
- Detached Single
2739-41 W Belmont Avenue
- Avondale
- Land
1000 W Washington Boulevard 538-539
- 4 beds
- 4 baths
- West Loop
- Attached Single
7613 S KINGSTON Avenue
- South Shore
- Multi Family 5+
130 N Garland Court 5301
- 4 beds
- 4.1 baths
- The Loop
- Attached Single
Open: Sun, 1:00 PM – 3:00 PM
510 Meacham Avenue
- 5 beds
- 4.1 baths
- Park Ridge
- Detached Single
1811 N Howe Street
- 5 beds
- 4.1 baths
- Lincoln Park
- Detached Single
1619 N BELL Avenue
- 5 beds
- 3.1 baths
- Wicker Park
- Detached Single